The sun, the sky is the view from his workplace. It’s lunchtime ? Better yet, it’s time for a Lunch Ride ! This is the time that all business owners should implement to break the day for an active break.

I left some reasons to motivate a ride to lunch and make it easier.

Be creative, solve problems.

We may have the best elites around a desk, brainstorming and continuous improvement methods are no longer sufficient ? It’s time to step back and take a break. It’s offer respite to a work style that is becoming increasingly virtual, and open his mind to reality. The opportunity to go out for an activity to return with great ideas.

Be productive

After lunch, we all have a moment of hesitation, drowsiness. Conversely, after a workout, our body is boiling. At the resumption of work is taken up with intensity and a clear mind.

Reduce health-related costs

The costs of work-related health care costs weigh heavily on employers. Work sitting at a computer, eyes on the road at its shopping tour, ear hanging on the phone, chain appointments without taking lunch … It is a daily state of stress it takes to break .

Fosters relationships at work

The group outings are a great way to weld teams and allow the encounter of different services from the same company that you may not encounter in everyday life. This is an opportunity to have fun, get some air, and share training or other advice.

Kent Wong
Lunch ride with Specialized France and Specialized Korea buddies. 午餐(不)休閒騎….亮點是左一法國S同仁上週KOM分組一只需三個多小時.


  1. Invite your colleagues to join the ride lunch (create a shared calendar / create a club with Strava)
  2. Set a time and date daily
  3. Set a type route of about 1h to 1h30 in advance

In conclusion, The Lunch Ride is a sports daily ritual open to all. It’s cheap and it’s a high added value.

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